We’ve been told all of that’s been really helpful, but NOW it’s time to look forward with our Rebound Resources.
This situation will end, that much we know. What we all need to do now is make sure we’re putting ourselves and our businesses into the best position for the future.
The weeks ahead are a great opportunity to take control of aspects of our business that maybe we haven’t done in the past. It’s a great time to reconsider our records, monitoring and processes to be as efficient and informed as possible.
And it’s a great time to make some proper plans for the future.
(This content was created during the first Lockdown BUT it is equally relevant for any business facing a crisis, economic uncertainty or a challenging market.)
Our ‘Rebound Resources’ are a range of tools and information to help you prepare for the future.
- Whether you’re resetting after the pandemic, Brexit, the loss of a major customer or any other business shock, they’ll help you take control of your cash, your pricing, your budgets and some of your internal processes.
- They’ll help you reopen your doors with confidence, with a clear plan of where your business is going and how it will get there.
- They’ll help you be sure that you have a clear view of the funds you need and when along that journey.
It’s a sad fact that a large proportion of business failures come AFTER recessions.
Business owners start running too fast, without ensuring their finances are under control and constant review. Over-extension follows and there just isn’t enough cash to sustain the business.

Spending some time working on the right areas of your business NOW with these Rebound Resources should ensure this doesn’t happen to you.
Take the time to educate yourself, and to build the right plan, processes and reporting mechanisms for the future.
Are YOU ready to Rebound?
If you’re a client of ours and have any questions on any of these Rebound Resources as we publish them, please do get in touch. You all have different businesses, experiences and goals, so we can’t possibly cover everything here, but are very happy to help!
NON-CLIENTS PLEASE NOTE: These Rebound Resources are NOT supposed to be a replacement for a detailed conversation with your own Accountant. They’re meant as a way to bolster your knowledge and help you look forward, but to get the most from them, you should discuss the outcomes with your own advisor.
Liz & Chris Baranov are the most friendly, helpful, giving and ‘unlikely’ accountants you could ever meet. 😊
Their plain talking, easy to understand and straight-down-the-line advice and support is so refreshing, especially in an industry that tend to blind its clients with complex explanations, jargon and industry-speak!
Mrs M Cross, First Impression Training Limited
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‘How switching your Accountant can be easy as A, B, C!’
Often thought to be fraught with embarrassing and awkward conversations, and to take a long time, the reality is that switching accountants is actually incredibly simple.
Once you’ve decided to make the move, it’s WAY easier than changing your bank.
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