Small Business Saturday spend breaks records!
After the eighth Small Business Saturday in the UK on the 5th December, the total spent on the day broke the billion-pound mark for the first time. The total spend was £1.1 billion, according to American Express, the founder and principal supporter of the annual event.
Footfall on our High Streets was understandably lower than in previous years, but the average spend increased by 56%, from £45.42 in 2019 to £70.74 in 2020.
We’ve talked a few times about the importance of supporting our local, independent retailers, whether in bricks and mortar stores, or online, and that message happily seems to be gaining traction this year! Almost half of the shoppers surveyed by Amex reported wanting to support small businesses after everything they have suffered in 2020.
Michelle Ovens, director of Small Business Saturday, was very pleased at the success of this year’s event, but sounded a note of caution. ‘While there is light at the end of the tunnel for 2021, with a vaccine, this winter is still going to be tough for many small businesses and it’s so important that we all continue to support them.’
She went on to explain the many ways that we can support small businesses, without spending if we’re finding cash tight ourselves. Leaving a good review, sharing and liking posts online, or simply talking to friends and family about their products and services, and reminding those same people to support their independent retailers can all be a real help.
A reported 59% of shoppers say that they now support small businesses more than they did before the pandemic, largely as a result of the efforts of those same small businesses to support their communities during the first lockdown.
You can find out more about Small Business Saturday here. They provide support and training throughout the year, with the principle event taking place on the first Saturday every December.
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