Screen Capture Software for your business
Whether you’re training your team, explaining something to clients or customers, or recording processes for your own purposes, screen capture software can be really helpful. In this episode I’ve got an option that’s both free and easy to use. Find out more by watching the episode now!
Hi and welcome to another episode of BaranovTV, designed to demystify the world of accounts and tax and to help your business grow.
In this episode I want to talk to you about a totally free tool that is really, really useful if you are trying to document your processes, either because you already have a team or because you have plans to take on a team at a later date, if you’re in a position where you’re trying to show a client or a customer a process or if there’s something that you do quite a lot that you want to actually make sure that you do consistently.
The tool I want to talk to you about is called
It’s a screen-capture tool that also enables you to record audio at the same time and also from your webcam. So you’ve got three different inputs.
The way that we’ve used it is to actually record how-to guides, for clients, when they’re trying to do something online on one of the bookkeeping softwares. What we’ve done is to actually have the screen live so that it’s either your entire screen, so for me it would be across my two screens, or it can just be on one live tab. So you could have something else open and just be looking at, in our case, I think it was Xero the last time we used it. What you can do is you can have Xero open, you can have your webcam live so it’s recording your face and also recording what you’re saying.
For example, if you’re using it for a process recording. If you wanted to save it for a team member later to listen to, perhaps you wanted them to do something for you but you won’t have time to delegate it and take them through the process, you would actually be able to set up, to start the recording and actually talk them through, A, the process, but also B, the logic behind the process.
We’ve all been there where we can follow ‘click here, click there’, but we don’t necessarily understand WHY we’re doing that, and it’s often the why that makes the biggest difference and actually helps us to understand why we’re doing what we’re doing. And then it all actually makes sense! We understand the implications of why we should and why we shouldn’t. And Useloom is brilliant for that.
Now we’ve talked in the past about Sweet Process which is another way of documenting processes but in a lot of respects I actually prefer Useloom because you can, as I say, you can actually hear the instructions and understand them and you could obviously repeat them and replay them.
It’s also as I mentioned before, a totally free tool.
You can store all of your videos within Useloom or you can download them. You can share them from Useloom and send them to other people. So it is really, really useful. It’s very powerful, it’s very easy to use which I always like.
So I strongly recommend, if you fall into any of the categories that I mentioned before, do go and have a look at Useloom. Do let me know how you get on with it. We really like it, but if you know something that’s similar, that’s different, that’s better, do let me know.
In the meantime, I’ll see you all very soon.
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