Your Quickbooks Navigation Menu is changing

News, Software,

It’s always helpful when software providers increase the range of customisation that’s possible for users, and Quickbooks have recently announced exactly that!

All Quickbooks Online users will be able to customise and bookmark the Quickbooks Navigation menu they see on the left of their screens. This will enable them to reorder the menu, bookmark a page they use a lot, or hide pages they don’t use, though they will be recoverable!

The full rollout of this update to the Quickbooks Navigation menu will take until December 2022, but new users will see the updated functionality immediately.

You can find out more about the changes, and see a short video of the process on the Quickbooks website.

If you’re a Quickbooks user and have any questions about the changes, please contact Support in the first instance, or get in touch with us; we’ll try to help if we can!

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