Xero Yodlee feeds are changing…

Bookkeeping, News, Xero,

Xero are moving to a new version of Yodlee to ensure that bank feeds continue to seamlessly import transactions into Xero. If you use a Yodlee feed, you’ll need to update it before the 27th July 2021, or your transactions will stop automatically loading.

What do you need to do?

Before you update to the new version of Yodlee, you’ll need:

  • Your Xero login details on hand, and any multi-factor authentication device required.
  • The bank login details for the bank accounts currently connected to Xero via Yodlee, and any multi-factor authentication device required.

If you have more than one bank account with the same bank and use the same credentials, you only need to complete these steps once. Your bank feeds will update automatically for all of these bank accounts.

Update your Bank Connection

  1. Log into Xero.
  2. In the Accounting menu, select Bank accounts, then locate the affected bank account.
  3. Click Update bank connection.
  4. Click Agree and log into bank by agreeing to Xero’s Terms and Conditions.
  5. Enter your login details for the online banking.
  6. Follow the prompts to complete the update.

If your bank feeds aren’t updated to the new Yodlee version, you’ll need to renew your bank connection or manually import the transaction.

As ever, if you struggle to update the bank feed, please contact Xero Support to get their help. If you’re really stuck, get in touch as we’re happy to try to talk you through, but they’re able to access your system so may be able to offer a faster solution!

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