Not everyone has the ability to look at a list of numbers or a spreadsheet and be able to interpret them. With that in mind, we find our Visual Reporting makes business numbers far more accessible than a vast spreadsheet of numbers.
We include tailored financial and non-financial KPIs in the reporting pack and can tailor the reports to identify trends and performance against budgets.
The content is amended for each client, but the structure remains similar, and would include a selection of the following:
- A summary page, including highlights over the period.
- Observations drawn from the reporting process.
- Progress towards specified goals.
- Profit and Loss Analysis – including graphs showing related trends and performance against previous periods.
- Balance Sheet Analysis – including graphs showing related trends and performance against previous periods.
- Cashflow statement and movements analysis – where has the cash been used within the business?
- Progress against KPIs
The following are samples of the reports that would be provided, all of which are presented with a summary and explanation:
The pre-defined suite of reports can be produced monthly or quarterly and can be refined and adjusted as the business progresses towards its goals.
How much does Visual Reporting cost?
There is a set-up fee for our Visual Reporting, to cover our time in doing so. The cost is confirmed as part of a discovery conversation, during which the required outputs would be clarified. Until this point we cannot provide an accurate quotation, but would estimate this one off cost to be from £250+VAT.
From there a monthly fee would apply, to take account of the subscription to the software required for each business, and our time in preparing the reports. This would usually form part of an Outsourced FD service, but Visual reporting can also be offered as a stand alone service if required.
If you’d like to know more about our Visual Reporting, please get in touch. They can make a significant difference to the understanding of the numbers within a business by owners or managers.
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Can I just say we are so pleased that we have moved to Baranov Associates. As we discussed when you visited, we had to find a way to take the stress out of all of the financials and you’re doing that for us! We can see how to use Xero more efficiently and so with us being as on top of it as we can be and with you and Liz we feel a lot more confident about our business being in good shape.
Mrs S James, Sandbanks Capital Partners Limited
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