Cost of Living Crisis Survival Guide
It seems I’m referring to increasing prices, inflation or some other form of pressure on our pockets in virtually every post at the moment. As business owners, we’re being squeezed from all sides.
So what can we do?
Sadly there are no easy answers, but we know that there are a lot of people out there who are starting to really feel the pressure. The media is warning of families where parents are skipping meals to feed their children, or where people can’t afford to heat their homes. Food bank usage is rising rapidly, and fuel prices are higher than ever.
There are obviously lots of ways to reduce costs, and save money. We’re not diversifying into that arena, and will ‘stay in our lane’ as accountants, but thought these might be helpful.
Our logic is that the less we each have to pay out personally, the less pressure there is on the cashflow of a business, so it’s all connected!
We’ve seen a few guides that could be really helpful to anyone in this kind of predicament, so thought we’d link them here. Even if they aren’t relevant to you, please forward the links to others that may be struggling, though there are some points that could be helpful for all of us!
1 90 Ways to save from
Tips to be more thrifty than before, sources of support you may be unaware of, and suggestions from social media.
(Point 49 should be helpful for anyone filling up their cars!)
2 Heat the Human, not the Home
Options and information to reduce your heating bills and keep warm. If you’re working from home even some of the time, some of these ideas might be of interest. They’ll certainly add up.
The less we each have to pay out personally, the less pressure there is on the cashflow of a business, so it’s all connected!
If you’re struggling, whether in a personal or business capacity and think a chat might help, please get in touch. If we can help at all, we will.
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