We’re now ReceiptBank Certified Partners!
We’re always looking for ways to make life easier for clients and to save them money too, so becoming a ReceiptBank Partner seemed an obvious move!
(Update: ReceiptBank has now rebranded to Dext.)
What is ReceiptBank?
An award winning add on to cloud bookkeeping software including Xero and Quickbooks, ReceiptBank offers the chance to make significant savings. ReceiptBank automatically converts your invoices and receipts into data, making it easy for you to send your financial information straight to your software.
The biggest advantage of using ReceiptBank is that it enables you to reduce the time lag on your Bookkeeping, and see realtime information flowing into your Accounting system.
Where will you save?
- Save time – Use ReceiptBank to reduce the time to get information from invoices and receipts into your Bookkeeping software.
- Save space – As ReceiptBank holds copies of all of the invoices you send to it, there is no need to retain the hard copies any more. Do away with those files, and the time it takes to file into them!
- Refocus your Bookkeeping efforts – by reducing the data entry, you can free up your Bookkeeping time to focus on producing more timely reports and information that will add value to the business.
How does the information get into ReceiptBank?
There are numerous ways of sending your information into the system; here are some of them:
- Take a photo of your receipt or invoice using the ReceiptBank App (iPhone or Android).
- Email your information to your personal, secure ReceiptBank email address. You can give this to suppliers too, so that they send invoices directly to your Bookkeeping system.
- Post them to ReceiptBank.
- Transfer them from Dropbox.
- Upload a csv file.
What types of businesses will Receiptbank help?
ReceiptBank is designed for use by Limited companies, but there is also a version for non-VAT registered Sole Traders, called ‘1Tap Receipts’. This puts all of your records into a file that you send to us at year end for us to use in producing your accounts, making life much easier. You can do away with that red book and your spreadsheets at last!
How much will Receiptbank cost me?
For a Limited Company, you can subscribe to ReceiptBank through their website, for £20+VAT per month for up to 50 transactions. As Partners, we can purchase their highest level licences at a lower price, and decided to provide clients with unlimited transactions as part of their standard fee package.
Can I trial the software before I commit?
Of course! Just visit the Receiptbank website and click on the green ‘start your free trial’ box.
We’re committed to making life easier for our clients, and will continue to identify Apps or other options that will save them time and money. If you’d like to know more, either about ReceiptBank or the other ways we help clients, please do get in touch!
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