Mental Health Support Options for Business Owners

Management & Growth, Videos,

Running a business can be hard, and lonely, at the best of times. Add in the effects of Coronavirus and ongoing economic pressures and it’s not a surprise that many business owners are feeling the strain.

In the last few days we’ve spoken to five different business owners, in varying industries, who are struggling. Unsurprising after such a prolonged period of pressure, they’re tired, overwhelmed and lacking motivation.

The following video was recorded for Mental Heath Awareness day 2020, in the depths of pandemic restrictions. In it, we talk about mental health, and where you can find support and advice if you’d like to, whether for you or for members of your team.

Full details are in the video, but the main numbers and web addresses are listed below too.

Time to change

Info line: tel 0300 123 3393 (9am-6pm Monday to friday)
Text: 86463

Helpline Tel: 0300 304 7000 (4.30pm – 10.30pm)

24/7 text service, free on all major networks
Text: 85258


Tel: 116 123

Do please get some advice or support if you’re feeling that there are more bad days than good, or if recent events are proving too much. Given all that’s gone on in the last couple of years, you’re certainly not alone.

We’re not mental health experts, but have had numerous conversations with business owners in difficult situations over many years. If we can help by listening, acting as a shoulder to lean on, being a sounding board or even to give you a good old fashioned kick up the backside if you think that’s what you need, please get in touch! We can also schedule regular catch up conversations for a few weeks, at no cost, if you think that would be helpful. We won’t judge in any way at all, but are here to help if we can.

Whatever you decide, please do something to get some help or support if you’re feeling low. Don’t suffer alone.

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