Looking at Finance? Something you may have missed….
As many of our clients are aware, we like the functionality of Fluidly Lite, the 90 day cash flow forecasting tool, as a straightforward way to keep a cashflow forecast up to date. There is a small charge for this system, of £10+VAT per month, but because it bolts on to your Xero or Quickbooks system, that fee is negligible when you compare it to the time costs in keeping a manual cash flow. We think it’s a great tool, but now there’s an additional benefit!
As part of the system, you can now see at a glance which funding providers are most likely to lend to you.
Through fully anonymised data, the system shows a list of funders who may look favourably on an application. These are broken down into types of funding, so for example CBILs loans, Business Loan etc.
It also includes details of the amount they are likely to lend, with the term and interest rate. (Example screen shot shown below.)
The information provided is obviously subject to any application, but it can be a great starting point if you’re thinking of applying for a loan or other finance.
To see your options for funding, log on to Fluidly and click on the option on the left “plan for the future”, and ‘get funding’.
Find out more about Fluidly and get access here.