Brexit Transition Webinars

Brexit, Management & Growth,

On the 24th December 2020, a trade deal was announced that avoided a ‘No Deal’ end to the Brexit Transition period. To enable business owners to familiarise themselves with the new customs processes, HMRC have announced a range of webinars.

These include:

Exporting: Actions you need to take now. An overview of the actions you need to take now before you export goods from Great Britain to the EU. Register here.

Trader Responsibilities when using an intermediary. Given the complexity of import or export declarations, many businesses choose to use an intermediary. This webinar explains your responsibilities as a business owner. Register here.

What are custom import declarations? If you import goods, you now need to make customs import declarations on controlled goods and all goods by the end of June 2021. This webinar will explain more about them. Register here.

Importing: Staged controls and how to prepare to use them. The three stages of the new border controls introduced on 1st January 2021 and related actions. Register here.

Each webinar is available several times so you can choose the date and time that suits you best.

More details can also be found on the HMRC YouTube channel.


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