Furlough Scheme Statistics – February 2021


The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, more commonly known as the Furlough Scheme, has now been in place for 12 months, having been launched on the 20th March 2020.

If you like looking at numbers, or are curious to see how your use of the scheme compares to the averages, provisional figures for the scheme up to the end of  February make interesting reading.

  • 4.7 million employees were furloughed at 28th February, but final levels are expected to be around the 4.9million mark once late adjustments are taken into account.
  • provisional figures show that all sectors have seen a slight reduction in levels of furlough during February.
  • 41% of employers had staff furloughed. 15% of employments eligible for furlough were furloughed at the end of the month.
  • since the start of the scheme a cumulative total of 11.4 million jobs have been supported by the CJRS at various times. This is across all claims submitted to 15 March 2021.
  • the accommodation and food services sector had the highest take-up rate at 31 January at 68% of eligible employers furloughing and provisional estimates show this increased to 69% of employers at 28 February.
  • the beverage serving activities sector had the highest proportion of eligible employments furloughed at 31 January, with a take-up rate of 86%. This was followed by the hotels and similar accommodation sector which had 79% of its eligible employments furloughed. The figures for 28 February show these sectors had employment take-up rates of 78% and 69% respectively, the largest take-up rates of all sectors
  • overall, medium and large sized employers had a lower proportion of their employees furloughed under the CJRS than small and micro-sized employers in January and February
  • provisional figures for 28 February show that employers with 250 or more employees had 9% of eligible employees furloughed compared with 15% across all employers. Employers with 2 to 4 employees had the highest proportion of eligible employees furloughed at 35%
  • the under 18 age band had the highest take up rate for both females and males at 31 January, 40% and 30% respectively. Provisional estimates for 28 February show that the under 18 age band continued to have the highest take-up rates at 39% for females and 28% for males
  • employees aged 18 to 24 and 65 and over were more likely than average to be furloughed while levels of furloughing were lowest among employees aged 50 to 54
  • 1.37 million employments were on partial furlough at 31 January, 28% of the total employments furloughed. Provisional estimates show this figure decreased to 1.27 million employments furloughed at 28 February, 27% of the total employments furloughed

If you’d like to see more of the data, you can find the full details here.


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